Thursday, July 26, 2012

Being present to this moment


Sunrise from my apartment early morning
"Our ability to focus will allow us to create things that perhaps we haven't in years.
It will allow us to slow down and find peace of mind
It will allow us to simplify and focus on less - on the essential things, the things that matter the most"- Leo Babutta, Zen habits

Happy Thursday Everyone,

Recently I read a couple of books and I have learned that every author has stressed on one important quality we should cultivate in our life i.e. "FOCUS".

So the important question to ask ourseleves is "How do we achieve focus in life?"

I get my focus by focussing on my breathing, going on a walk in nature and spent time alone with myself. These small things can bring us present to this moment and help us become more creative in our thinking.

Here is an example:

 "A typical person takes around 21,600 breathes in a single day. Focusing on as little as ten breaths can eliminate stress"~ the well daily.

I hope you enjoy reading.

Be well and stay focus

Many thanks,

Monil Desai

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